Elaine's Trains

At Elaine's Trains we specialise in pre-owned model railway items particularly Tri-ang and Hornby Margate and Continental HO
Phone 01673 857 423 (Landline)
Postal and Exhibition Sales only, no retail premises.

Old Logo
Office hours this week: Monday 10-6pm, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-6pm, Friday 9am-noon; Closed Wednesday, Friday afternoon and Weekends
Next New Item Listing: Monday 24th February 10am; office closed Monday 17th-Friday 21st
Next Exhibition: Biggleswade 15th February
Please remember website stock is NOT taken to shows you need to order in advance usually by 6pm on Thursday before the required show - thanks!

Tri-ang Transcontinental: Tri-ang RARE Clockwork Wild West Train Set

An extremely rare clockwork wild west set, consisiting of four wheel Davy Crockett locomotive and tender along with yellow four wheel coach, circle of grey plastic track and non original key, the cow catcher has some slight damage as shown, the set originally had some cowboys and indians, but they are sadly missing as is the window picture box, a very rare item for the Tri-ang enthusiast.

00 gauge

Price: £125

Order number: 46665

Please click on a photo to zoom in - opens in new tab/window
