Elaine's Trains

At Elaine's Trains we specialise in pre-owned model railway items particularly Tri-ang and Hornby Margate and Continental HO
Phone 01673 857 423 (Landline)
Postal and Exhibition Sales only, no retail premises.

Old Logo
Office hours this week: Monday 10-6pm, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-6pm, Friday 9am-noon; Closed Wednesday, Friday afternoon and Weekends
Next New Item Listing: Monday 24th February 10am; office closed Monday 17th-Friday 21st
Next Exhibition: Biggleswade 15th February
Please remember website stock is NOT taken to shows you need to order in advance usually by 6pm on Thursday before the required show - thanks!


Listed below is a list of my friends and contacts it includes specialist societies that we are members of (opens in a new tab/window):
  • The UK Model Shop Directory - A great website detailing exhibitions, swapmeets and traders in the UK.
  • Triang Railways in Canada and the USA - A brilliant website detailing Canadian and American Tri-ang excellent photography and detail by Rolande Allen
  • Dave Angell Trains - My friend Nellie Dave with displays of mainly Tri-ang trains and toys with similar items for sale.
  • Faller Hit Train - My husband Andy Hyelman's interest in these 1970s colourful German Toy Trains which we both enjoy exhibiting at collectors events and model railway exhibitions.
  • Hornby Railway Collectors Association A society I have recently joined for all things Binns Road Liverpool.
  • Austrian Railway Group
  • Redditch Model Rail Club - model rail club who have welcomed me to their exhibition since 2010.