Elaine's Trains

At Elaine's Trains we specialise in pre-owned model railway items particularly Tri-ang and Hornby Margate and Continental HO
Phone 01673 857 423 (Landline)
Postal and Exhibition Sales only, no retail premises.

Old Logo
Office hours this week: office closed all week, open again Monday 24th 9am
Next New Item Listing: Monday 24th February 10am
Next Exhibitions: Redditch and Garden Rail, 1st/2nd March
Please remember website stock is NOT taken to shows you need to order in advance usually by 6pm on Thursday before the required show - thanks!

Books and DVDs: Peco 2002 catalogue

A Peco 2002 catalogue with Sept 2003 price list, in good condition

Price: £2

Order number: 39792

Please click on a photo to zoom in - opens in new tab/window
