Elaine's Trains

At Elaine's Trains we specialise in pre-owned model railway items particularly Tri-ang and Hornby Margate and Continental HO
Phone 01673 857 423 (Landline)
Postal and Exhibition Sales only, no retail premises.

Old Logo
Office hours this week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 6pm, Closed Wednesday
Next New Item Listing: today: Tri-ang Transcontinental and Super 4 Track
Next Exhibition: Doncaster 8th & 9th February

Tri-ang Transcontinental: Tri-ang TC R129 Refrigerator/Long Box Car Black Chassis Underframe Detail Part

A Tri-ang black underframe section used in the refrigerator or long box car, clips still present.

00 gauge

Price: £2

Order number: 33029

Please click on a photo to zoom in - opens in new tab/window
